Diamond Inlay Options

Luxe Brandable Stanchions Diamond InlayLuxe Stanchions® are brandable! One of the unique features of Luxe Stanchions® is the diamond shaped inlay which offers you the choice to display your company logo or emblem, add a message or discreetly advertise by adding your own high quality decal or sticker, image or inlay.
(See dimensions for the full diamond inlay below)

We currently offer a few inlay options that allow you to personalize or customize your Luxe Stanchions® to your company or venues color theme by selecting a specific inlay color.

OPTION #1: You order your Luxe Stanchions® without an inlay. We leave the area blank saving you money up front and allowing you time to make your decision after you receive them.

OPTION #2: You order your Luxe Stanchions® that include a vinyl inlay. You provide us with the background color of the inlay and any logo or text you want to have appear on the inlay including specific colors and font style.

Option two is also non-permanent so you can swap out the inlays at any time should your message or color theme change.

OPTION #3: Anodized aluminum inlays. Our colors are limited with this option and it is more permanent. Removing the aluminum inlay may damage the stanchion.

Luxe Barrier Diamond Dimensions

brandable stanchions

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