Advantages of Satin and Matte Finishes

Luxe Antique Gold Brass Luxury Branded Rope StanchionWe chose to use satin and matte finishes on our Luxe Stanchions® for a reason. We believe satin and matte finishes adapt better to most themes and environments than high polished finishes that have a more prominent appearance. Highly polished stanchions and finishes have their place, they are just more specific. Combined with the unique Luxe design, our satin and matte post and rope will blend in almost anywhere from classic and historic setting to most modern venues.

There are several advantages of using satin and matte finishes on crowd control stanchions as opposed to polished and luster finishes.

  • Satin and matte finishes are more resistant to scratches and scuffs. This is important for crowd control stanchions, which are often exposed to rough handling and abuse.
  • Satin and matte finishes are more fingerprint-resistant. This makes them easier to clean and maintain.
  • Satin and matte finishes are more versatile. They can be used in a variety of settings, from indoor to outdoor, and from formal to casual.
  • Satin and matte finishes are normally less expensive than polished and luster finishes. This can be a significant factor for businesses and organizations that need to purchase a large number of crowd control stanchions.
  • Polished and luster finishes can be used to create a more polished and luxurious look, but they are not as practical for crowd control stanchions. Satin and matte finishes are the better choice for most applications.

Here are some additional details about the advantages of satin and matte finishes on crowd control stanchions:

  • Resistance to scratches and scuffs: Satin and matte finishes are made with a special coating that makes them more resistant to scratches and scuffs. This is important for crowd control stanchions, which are often exposed to rough handling and abuse. For example, a crowd control stanchion may be knocked over or bumped by people, or it may be scratched by other objects. A satin or matte finish will help to protect the stanchion from these types of damage.
  • Fingerprint resistance: Satin and matte finishes are also fingerprint-resistant. This makes them easier to clean and maintain. Fingerprints can be unsightly and can also make it difficult to see the stanchion’s markings. A satin or matte finish will help to prevent fingerprints from forming on the stanchion.
  • Versatility: Satin and matte finishes are more versatile than polished and luster finishes. They can be used in a variety of settings, from indoor to outdoor, and from formal to casual. This makes them a good choice for a variety of businesses and organizations. For example, a satin or matte finish crowd control stanchion would be appropriate for use in a hospital, a school, or a shopping mall.
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