Stanchions That Lean

Stanchions That LeanCrowd control stanchions are an important safety measure for businesses of all sizes. They help to keep people safe by providing a physical barrier between crowds and hazardous areas. Additionally, the aesthetics and quality are also a reflection on your business. However, not all crowd control stanchions are created equal. Some stanchions are more likely to lean than others, which can pose a safety hazard and reflect poorly on your business.

There are a number of reasons why businesses should avoid buying crowd control stanchions that have the potential to lean.

  • First, leaning stanchions can be a potential tripping hazard. If a person trips over a leaning stanchion, they could fall and be injured.
  • Second, leaning stanchions can be unstable and become a tipping hazard. If a stanchion is not properly anchored, it could fall over, which could cause damage to property or injure people.
  • Third, leaning stanchions can give the impression that a business is not taking safety seriously. This could lead to customers choosing to do business with a competitor.

Instead of buying crowd control stanchions that have the potential to lean, businesses should invest in better quality stanchions. For example, the posts of Luxe Stanchions® and sign stands are flared out where the bottom of the post rests on the base. Even if the stanchion were to somehow come loose, the post would sit straight.

Investing in better crowd control stanchions is a wise decision for businesses of all sizes. It is a way to improve safety, protect property, and project a positive image to customers.

Here are some tips for choosing the right crowd control stanchions for your business:Custom Luxury Luxe Stanchions

  • Consider how frequently the post(s) will be handled. Daily, occasionally or rarely? Posts that are handled more frequently are bound to come loose over time. Not to mention, some employees are more aggressive than others.
  • Consider your customer base and their access or proximately to the stanchions. Do you have very few customer or is there a lot of foot traffic? Do you have a well mannered crowd or an aggressive hands-on crowd?
  • When factoring in costs, paying or investing a bit up front on better quality stanchions is an investment that will pay for itself as better quality crowd control stanchions and barriers will give you two to three times the life of cheap stanchions.

By following these tips, you can choose the right crowd control stanchions for your business and keep your customers safe.

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